
Showing posts from September, 2019

My night with Luke!

Well let me start this off with a little bit of background on my son and I through the years.  About 4 years ago my son was diagnosed with "High Functioning" Autism.  During this time we were constantly scrambling and unsure of what to do or how to keep him calm and relaxed.  Before we got the diagnosis, seemed like everyday were having huge blow ups that just go worse and worse and  we were in a state of panic while feeling like we were creeping around on egg shells within our own home on a daily basis hoping to not have an issue.  Finally we said enough is enough took him to the Doctor and said HELP US!  Thursday, September 20, 2019- Today Luke had a appointment at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Division of Psychiatry at the North College Hill campus which by the way is just an amazing staff and place for both the child and family while trying to help them grow.  While at this appointment we discussed all the good things that have been going on with my son Luke and